Friday, November 30, 2012

Reversal of Roles:

So I think that I have made it pretty clear but I suppose it never hurts to say it again, I am very clearly an AB interested in being more specifically in the toddler end of it. Its always been my main focus of the ageplay element to be the baby side of the relationship. However, like everything there is always another side to it.

Big Bro/Daddy:

I would gladly like to try and experience what it is like to be the caretaker not just the baby in the relationship. Its a entirely different experience then being the baby because you are really trying the more dominant side of things. Not to mention you are taking up the responsibility and caring side of things. The ability to take someone else and really get them down to their little side is very special to me. You are really hold that person in a very emotionally sensitive state, in which they are really depending on you to nurture and protect them. 

As much as I love to be on the receiving end of the babying, I imagine that laying a little guy down and putting a nice thick diaper on him and then feeding him a bottle while he lays across my lap & drinks a bottle would really be a magical experience. Being able to provide that kind of experience to me is really a very amazing to do for everyone.

Don't get me wrong though, I honestly believe that doing this is a lot more complicated then just deciding one day that you want to be a caretaker. Like most things, practice makes perfect if you ask me. Its not as simple as just being able to really be good at getting someone to feel comfortable enough to be willing to let their inhibitions to go away and sink into their little side. 

Needless to say some day I hope to have the opportunity to get to try this and maybe even have a big brother mentor and teach me the way to do it best!


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