Defining the Binge and Purge:
Now for many young ABDL's they are faced with these strange new feelings about wearing and enjoying diapers, and they are confusing. Now everyone responds to these new feelings differently, and largely because I think they spring up at different times for different people. A common problem that these young people (and older people as well, just more common in young ABDL) have is that while they have these new feelings, they feel like there is something wrong with them. The desire to wear a diaper and possibly even use a diaper is something that has been ingrained in our heads as something for small children, not young adults. The problem with being a ABDL is that you have to fight those years and years of cultural stigma telling you that wearing diapers is strictly for babies, and often times you are doing this all alone.
Now often peoples response to these new and strange feelings are to dive right in and get super involved with their fetish. Buying diapers, pacifiers bottles, and more. Once they have all these things they will wear them and start to really enjoy and use them. Eventually though the thoughts cross your mind that what you are doing is socially unacceptable, and that you need to distance yourself from these items and feelings. They will throw everything away, distance themselves from others they may have met in the community and try to push these desires from their minds.
This is the Binge and Purge cycle that far to often plagues the ABDL community members.
My Personal Battle with Binge and Purge:
Now for anyone that has read my Introduction post on my blog then you know that my journey with diapers has not been an easy one. I have struggled with my diaper feelings just as described above and some would even say that I may be worse. Now from the age that I discovered my feelings for diapers and being an adult baby, I would go through almost a very predictable cycle. I would be really into my diapers and want to start a collection of toddler things for me to play with in the privacy of my room at night. About 3-6 weeks after that I would have strong feelings of guilt and regret. I would usually in a fury of regret gather up my diapers, pacifiers, and bottle and throw them in the trash. I would disconnect from everyone that I was speaking to online and try to just focus on other things.
Now where I struggled with this was to come to the understanding that my passion for being an Adult Baby was something that I will never be able to shake. I may be able to push them to the back of my mind and only think about them eventually but it would always rise back up. My problem is that since I was always repressing my diaper side, when I would release it, it would take over my life for the time. I would be so consumed that I would spend all day, everyday online looking up diapers and checking my diaper site profiles. I wanted so bad to be able to enjoy my diaper side. The secret that I have come to realize, so that I am not afflicted by a Binge and Purge cycle again is to take it all in small amounts.
Anyways, my point being is that if you are struggling with Binge and Purge then I would say find someone in the community that you enjoy talking to. Try to build a relationship with them, if you trust them, then ask them to help you by just talking you through those feelings of guilt. Having that reassuring voice to tell you that you are not alone and that enjoying wearing diapers is okay.
Now where I struggled with this was to come to the understanding that my passion for being an Adult Baby was something that I will never be able to shake. I may be able to push them to the back of my mind and only think about them eventually but it would always rise back up. My problem is that since I was always repressing my diaper side, when I would release it, it would take over my life for the time. I would be so consumed that I would spend all day, everyday online looking up diapers and checking my diaper site profiles. I wanted so bad to be able to enjoy my diaper side. The secret that I have come to realize, so that I am not afflicted by a Binge and Purge cycle again is to take it all in small amounts.
Anyways, my point being is that if you are struggling with Binge and Purge then I would say find someone in the community that you enjoy talking to. Try to build a relationship with them, if you trust them, then ask them to help you by just talking you through those feelings of guilt. Having that reassuring voice to tell you that you are not alone and that enjoying wearing diapers is okay.
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