Coherent Messages:
So one thing that I have seemed to notice over the several years that I have been in the ABDL community and actively meeting/chatting with people online is that there are quite a few people out there who cannot put together a sentence for their lives. Now I am no grammatical god, and makes mistakes all the time. Hell if you go through any one of my posts I am sure that you would find at least 10 mistakes that I made when it comes to grammar. Small grammatical errors are not what bothers me, its the people who write you a message and you have to read it three times over just to start to try to understand what they were saying. Messages that come to me that are like the following drive me insane, and know that this is just an example that I have made up:
"I enjoy diaper sometime i really wish that could wear more often diapers are have been somehing that i have into sine i was like 10"
I honestly get messages like that and there is no punctuation in the least. Now in the case that I am talking to someone that is from another country, I can totally let it slide. I understand that its not their native tongue and so that makes sense to me. However, those people that were born and raised in the United States and are over the age of 12, I expect to be able to throw a period into the mix every once in awhile. I really enjoy chatting and getting to know people but it shouldn't be a task to try to figure out what you are saying everything we exchange a message.
Messages with No Depth:
I will admit that I often will write back lengthy messages to people and that they may even sometimes be too long. But on the other end of that, I try to never write back a message to someone that has written me a lengthy message with a response like "yeah, I like them too". The problem I have with this is that it kills the conversation, people want to keep talking but effectively kill the conversation by not responding with anything of depth. Sending a message like that is sending back a response to a text message that only says "lol", it kills the conversation right there. I am just asking that if you really want to chat with me...well then you give me a response so that we can keep chatting. If I wanted to basically talk to myself...well then I would just talk to myself.
"Call Me or Text Me":
I have admitted in previous post that I am a pretty cautious guy when it comes to this whole community because I have a fear of being caught again (I would like to say rightfully so, due to my last bad experience). So I don't hand out my phone number like I am a marketing rep at a sales event. Now I will also admit that there are some people that I do contact via my personal phone number and they have earned my trust over...TIME. That's the key word for me there, I never give my number to someone that I don't feel like I would be comfortable meeting in person. There are a lot of people in this community who will send this message:
Like your profile. Call Me - (XXX) - XXX - XXXX
Sorry, but I am not comfortable handing out my number to someone who doesn't even bother to introduce their self to me, let alone get to know me. Ive heard many a story of being being way to trusting and handing their number out to people only to find out that the person will call and text them endlessly even if they tell them they are not interested in talking.
So in conclusion I wanted to say this, I may be being a bit of an asshole but if you really are a good person and want to talk to me then please take the time to make it so I feel like I am talking to an adult and not a 4 year old. Its one thing to have a baby side that you enjoy taking part in and its another thing to come off as just plain stupid! Rant finished....
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