Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Update on Winter Break Plans:

Well with only ten short days until I leave school for winter break and preparations being made pretty soon for my plans for break, I figure that I owned everyone an update on whats going on with it!

Diaper Reviews:

Like I mentioned in a previous post, I will be taking some time over break to purchase a few sample packs of diapers and giving them a personal review. This is still on as planned, and I am getting ready to order the sample pack next week. Luckily with it being the holiday season and it not being so uncommon for me to receive sensitive packages to my home that my parents can't look through, I will be placing the order next week and having them shipped to my home.

The final decision on what I am going to get is:

AB Universe Ultra Sample Pack

As I mentioned previously this is a bargain and comes with a selection of 10 different types of diapers and 2 different types of diaper boosters that I will be giving a shot. With this package being only $16.95 before shipping & handling it is easily the best diaper sample pack that I could find on the market.

I had mentioned previously that I was going to try and get sample packs also from Bambinos and Star Diapers, however after really looking into the expense I realized that it was not cost efficient to purchase their sample packs. However, I think that 12 diapers is plenty of a start for the reviews.


I have a couple different things planned for break but the most important being that I am going to be trying to hangout with several of my diaper brothers while I am home and also possibly with my daddy if he has time. I am really excited to be able to hangout with all my diaper family members and really be able to finally sit down in a nice thick diaper without constantly being looking over my shoulder, hoping that my parents or siblings are not going to catch me in the act. Not to mention this will be my 2nd time that I have ever hung out with another person while diapered, and this time I might not be the only one diapered!

My other big plan is to try and expand my comfort zone just a little bit by starting to wear diapers under my clothes while I am out and about. Now I am going to take this one step at a time but I am going to buy a pack of Goodnites and wear them while I am out getting things done over break. The reason that I am wearing the Goodnites are because they are a thin diaper that really won't show through my clothes. Depending on how bold that I am feeling, I may also try to even wet them while I am on the move and just start to really expand my horizons and comfort level. I know to many this people this sounds like a absolute joke, but for me this really is a big step & something that I have never felt comfortable doing.


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